Friday, February 15, 2008


I've added a link on the left with some photography I've done over the years. There are a few photos from Hawaii where I went for a story about a Kona fish farm off the coast of the Big Island. Seeing the photos makes me long for those warm waters.
Also, there are some black & white photos from my days when I worked in Sun Valley, Idaho for a newspaper there. And there are others that I tossed in there just because I liked them. The one of the Octopus was a lucky shot that I took up in the San Juan Islands. I was doing a story about Scuba diving and at about 85 feet I came across an Octopus that wanted to get up close and personal. Anyway the story and photos ran in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. I'll add a link to that in the near future, for those that might want to read it. Thanks for stopping by...

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